We hope you have enjoyed SIZZLETOWN to date. If you’d like to pitch in and contribute to our tapestry of nonsense there are several options below, ranging from a ‘light sizzle’ of five bucks to a ‘Holy Smokes!’ level of a whole bloody grand. We appreciate that everyone is being hit in the financial cods, so any amount will be gratefully received and carefully spent on sound effects and SD cards, not pissed away on cocaine and hookers, as supposedly happens with some of the less reputable podcasts like [TITLE REDACTED] with Dave [REDACTED] and Glenn [REDACTED].
***2025 GROB Christmas cards only included in the following support tiers***
One off support pledges of $50 (plus GST) and above, will receive an end of season GROB Christmas Card with hand-written Tony message in December 2025.
***Show 'shout outs' only included in the following support tiers and will occur in 2025***
One off support pledges of $100 (plus GST) and above will receive a Tony shout out in a future 2025 SIZZLETOWN episode*, 20% percent off all merch code and an end of season GROB Christmas Card with hand-written Tony message in December 2025.
One off support pledges of $250 (plus GST) and above, will receive all of the above rewards, plus some of Tony’s insane, incomprehensible hand-written notes from the making of the show.
Many thanks,
Tony & Matt
*Supporters will be advised via email of shout out timeframe once pledge has been processed.